It’s their third series title as Great Britain triumphs in Boekelo and takes second place, ahead of France. In the last leg New Zealand is in second position, followed by the Netherlands
A “tu per tu” con l’ultimo campione olimpico azzuro e tecnico degli “eredi” Pietro e Luca. L’intervista esclusiva di Cavallo Magazine con l’analisi del Completo...
A Boekelo si è giocata l’ultima tappa del circuito di Coppa delle Nazioni: i britannici vincono… la battaglia ma i tedeschi la guerra; gli azzurri...
Si tratta della quinta vittima dall'inizio del 2016: questa volta a perdere la vita è stato il cavaliere 34enne Santiago Zone. Crescono le polemiche sul...
Prize Ceremony at the Military Equestrian Centre where medals were assigned after yesterday’s final Jumping phase. Great Britain and Italy go for bronze
Second and third place for Great Britain and France. Now, the series' title is all to play in the final of the 2016 FEI Nations...
Assegnati i titoli continentali young riders al FEI European Eventing Championship for young riders and juniors 2016 presented by Saudia
Fei European Eventing Championship for Young Riders and Junior 2016 presented by Saudia: che weekend per la Germania.
German teams and individuals triumph at FEI European Eventing Championship for Young Riders & Juniors 2016. Italian gladiators conquer third position
Su 59 partenti, il cross del FEI European Eventing Championship for young riders and juniors 2016 presented by Saudia del Centro Militare di Equitazione di...
Tutta Germania al vertice provvisorio della classifica Young Riders al FEI European Eventing Championship for young riders and juniors 2016 presented by Saudia del Centro...